The future of technology in sport

Technology has changed so many aspects of our lives and the world of sport is no exception. Its use over the next few years will influence the future of sport significantly.
Here’s a quick look at just three of the many things you will likely see in sports as a result of advancements in technology.
An improvement in performance
In recent years, there has been a massive boost in athletes’ performances. We have seen many outstanding records broken and this trend will continue to rise. The reason behind such success is the inclusion of technology, which can help athletes perform better. Athletes are increasingly using wearable tech, e.g. tiny GPS trackers, accelerometers and other tools. These devices help them track everything, from their heart rate to distance travelled, their height, hydration levels, respiratory rate and more. Moreover, high-definition and high-speed cameras allow both athletes and coaches to gather relevant data concerning their performance on the track, court or field. Technology can help them identify their weak points and give them a clear picture of where they need to focus their attention in order to improve. Coaches will also be able to develop a more effective training regime that will help their students raise the bar.
Injury prevention and rehabilitation
Every sportsperson knows that the chances of getting a sports-related injury is quite high, regardless of their sport. Some can be career-threatening and force early/unexpected retirement. Better monitoring via technology can prevent potential traumatic injuries. For example, athletes have access to more sophisticated and appropriately protective helmets as well as protective outfits that reduce the chance of succumbing to a severe injury. Advances in technology have also played their part in improving the medicine and rehabilitation tools/techniques for injured sportspeople which, today, ensure a much speedier recovery than in previous decades. Think plastic plates and replacement body parts/ligaments, etc. created by 3D printers…’robo-suits’ and twenty-first century walking/exercising aids in physiotherapy…sensory and reactive prosthetics for para-athletes and the like.
Fans can better interact with their favourite athletes
Gone are the days when fans used email to interact with their idols. Today, they have multiple avenues to keep up with their favourites. When email (or even snail mail, if you go back far enough!) was the only option for contacting athletes, fans were often disappointed not to receive a response. But with the emergence of social media, anyone can send them a message that can be responded to quickly. Today’s sportspeople are much more media-savvy and they make a greater effort to interact with their fans, something that technology only enhances.
This was a very short introduction. In the next articles, we’ll go into more detail in each of the three topics above.